Here is a collection of the articles about using wavelets that my thesis supervisor, my co-authors and I wrote in late 1990s and early 2000s. The order of the links reflects their importance for me. On this page, only English articles are listed. There will be another page with the texts on the same topic written in Russian. The most of the collection and some of the citations can be also found at
G. Ososkov, A. Shitov
Gaussian Wavelet Features and Their Applications for Analysis of Discretized Signals
April 2000
Computer Physics Communications — 126(1):149-157
Problems of analysis of symmetric, bell-shaped signals registered in a discrete form are considered. Fast and direct methods for their processing are proposed on the basis of vanishing momentum wavelets. Unlike previous works, wavelets of higher order are used extensively in these methods. A new wavelet feature is observed: the permanence of their relative square. It makes possible to choose an optimal scale coefficient that is common for several wavelet-transforms. Numerical simulations show the high accuracy of proposed algorithms comparable with the more laborious methods of a Gaussian fitting to discrete measurements.
G. A. Ososkov, A. B. Shitov, A. V. Stadnik
Comparative study of wavelets of the first and second generation
Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation) — E11-2001-38
In order to compare efficiency a comprehensive set of benchmarking tests is developed, which is used to compare abilities of continuous wavelet transform of the vanishing momenta type as well as the second generation wavelets constructed on the basis of the lifting scheme. It is based on processing of various types of pure and contaminated harmonic signals, delta-function, study of the signal phase dependence and the gain-frequency characteristics. The results of a comparative multiscale analysis allow one to reveal advantages and flaws of the considered types of wavelets.
G. Ososkov, A. Shitov
Gaussian Wavelet Features and Their Aplications for Analysis of Discretized Signals
Proceedings of the first international conference Modern Trends in Computer Physics (MTCP-98)

S. V. Morev, G. A. Ososkov, A. B. Shitov
Applying Wavelet Analysis Methods to Processing of Electrocardiographical Data
A. Shitov
Face Image Preprocessing Based on Wavelets
M. Altaisky, G. Ososkov, A. Shitov, A. Stadnik
Comparative study of wavelets of the first and second generation
Proceedings of the first international conference Modern Trends in Computer Physics (MTCP-2000)
M. V. Altaisky, G. A. Ososkov, A. G. Soloviev, A. V. Stadnik, A. B. Shitov
WASP (Wavelent Analysis of Secondary Particles distributions) package. Long Write Up and User’s Guide
Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russian Federation) — E10-2001-205