Generating sexy prime pairs in Raku

This is article about programming. This solves Task 1 of the Perl Weekly Challenge 027. The so-called sexy prime pairs are pairs of prime numbers that differ by 6.

This is article about programming. This solves Task 1 of the Perl Weekly Challenge 027. The so-called sexy prime pairs are pairs of prime numbers that differ by 6.

Cached factorial in Raku

Factorial, being a classical task for practising algorithms, is a great example to demonstrate the features of Raku. Let us update the code so that it caches the already calculated values.

Factorial, being a classical task for practising algorithms, is a great example to demonstrate the features of Raku. Let us update the code so that it caches the already calculated values.

Implementing the Ackermann function in Raku

This is the Task 1 from the Perl Weekly Challenge Week 17. You have to implement the so-called Ackermann function.

This is an interesting function that is defined kind of recursively but actually this is not a recursion, as the recurrent formula is using the function as an argument of itself.

This is the Task 1 from the Perl Weekly Challenge Week 17. You have to implement the so-called Ackermann function.

This is an interesting function that is defined kind of recursively but actually this is not a recursion, as the recurrent formula is using the function as an argument of itself.

Raku Challenge Week 1

Task 1. Capitalise all small letters ‘e’ and count the number of replacements in the string ‘Perl Weekly Challenge.’

Task 2. Write a one-liner that, for the numbers from 1 to 20, prints ‘fizz’ if the number is divisible by 3 and ‘buzz’ if it is divisible by 5.

Task 1. Capitalise all small letters ‘e’ and count the number of replacements in the string ‘Perl Weekly Challenge.’

Task 2. Write a one-liner that, for the numbers from 1 to 20, prints ‘fizz’ if the number is divisible by 3 and ‘buzz’ if it is divisible by 5.

Collatz Conjecture in Raku

An interesting task offered on Week 54 of the Perl Weekly Challenge: Print the Collatz Conjecture for the given integer number. The conjecture is that for any starting number, the sequence ends with 1.

An interesting task offered on Week 54 of the Perl Weekly Challenge: Print the Collatz Conjecture for the given integer number. The conjecture is that for any starting number, the sequence ends with 1.

More Raku challenges

Task 1: Find the first 20 so-called Gapful numbers. Task 2: Print all palindromic ddmmyyyy dates between 2000 and 3000. Task 3: Find the first multiple of the given number, which only contains digits 0 and 1.

Task 1: Find the first 20 so-called Gapful numbers. Task 2: Print all palindromic ddmmyyyy dates between 2000 and 3000. Task 3: Find the first multiple of the given number, which only contains digits 0 and 1.

Programming challenge: insert signs between digits

Here’s another drill offered by the Perl Weekly Challenge on Week 44. The task is to get a string 123456789 and insert the signs + and – between the digits so that the evaluated value of the new string equals 100.

Here’s another drill offered by the Perl Weekly Challenge on Week 44. The task is to get a string 123456789 and insert the signs + and – between the digits so that the evaluated value of the new string equals 100.

On Perl 7

A couple of days ago, Perl 7 was announced.

Isn’t that a great news? Well, yes and no. I have my personal feelings about this but I hope I can also see some other things that are not so much subjective.

A couple of days ago, Perl 7 was announced.

Isn’t that a great news? Well, yes and no. I have my personal feelings about this but I hope I can also see some other things that are not so much subjective.

Check if the number can be represented as a power of integers

In the second task of this week’s Challenge, you have to find two integers that being powered as xy, give the requested integer number n.

In the second task of this week’s Challenge, you have to find two integers that being powered as xy, give the requested integer number n.

Raku string vs integer practices

Hey there, there’s another task #066-1 offered by the Perl Weekly Challenge (why still not mentioning Raku in the name?).

Integer-divide the two given integers, $m and $n, without using multiplication, or division, or modulo.

Hey there, there’s another task #066-1 offered by the Perl Weekly Challenge (why still not mentioning Raku in the name?).

Integer-divide the two given integers, $m and $n, without using multiplication, or division, or modulo.

Another Raku one-liner

Let me demonstrate another interesting one-liner that I find to be a good addition to my last years’s book Raku One-Liners. The task was inspired by this week’s problem from the Perl Weekly Challenge.

Let me demonstrate another interesting one-liner that I find to be a good addition to my last years’s book Raku One-Liners. The task was inspired by this week’s problem from the Perl Weekly Challenge.