Let me announce the second edition of my Using Perl 6 book. This time, it is published under the new name, Using Raku.
Electronic edition
Amazon Kindle
Paperback editions
Amazon.com, Amazon.de (and also on other local Amazon sites)

The book is available in the PDF format for free. Paperback copies are available on Amazon.
Download the Using Raku book now
Published by DeepText
Amsterdam, 13 October 2019
ISBN 978-90-821568-8-1
I hope you will enjoy both the book and the newly-named language!

Electronic edition
Amazon Kindle
Paperback editions
Amazon.com, Amazon.de (and also on other local Amazon sites)
Thanks very much Andrew, I’ve enjoyed your books.
Is there a list of changes available, other than the s/perl6/raku/ changes?
Thank you!
No, there are ~15 changes here and there, mostly code simplifications of the solutions.