📘 Placeholders in Perl 6

📘 Placeholders in Raku

N. B. Perl 6 has been renamed to Raku. Click to read more.

When an anonymous code block is created, declaring a list of arguments is not mandatory even when a block takes an argument. To let this happen, Perl 6 uses special variable containers, which come with the ^ twigil. This is similar to the predefined variables $a and $b in Perl 5.

In the case of more than one argument, their actual order corresponds to the alphabetical order of the names of the ^-ed variables.

my $pow = {$^x ** $^y};
say $pow(3, 4); # 81

The values 3 and 4, which were passed in the function call, will land in its variables $^x and $^y, respectively.

Now, let us go back to the loop example from the previous section and rewrite it in the form with no arguments (and thus, no arrow).

for 0..9 {
    say "$^n2, $^n1";

Note that the code block starts immediately after the list, and there is no arrow. There are two loop variables, $^n1 and $^n2, and they are not in alphabetical order in the code. Still, they get the values as though they were mentioned in the function signature as ($n1, $n2).

Finally, the placeholders may be named parameters. The difference is in the twigil. To make the placeholder named, use the colon :.

my $pow = {$:base ** $:exp};
say $pow(:base(25), :exp(2)); # 625

With the named placeholders, the alphabetical order is of no importance anymore. The following call gives us the same result.

say $pow(:exp(2), :base(25)); # 625

Keep in mind that using named placeholders is just a different way of specifying a signature to the block, and you cannot have both.

The following example demonstrates that you cannot use a placeholder with the name of the already existing parameter:

sub f($a) {
    # say $^a; # Error: Redeclaration of symbol '$^a'
               # as a placeholder parameter

Neither you can use any other placeholder names if the signature of the sub is already defined:

sub f($a) {
    say $^b; # Placeholder variable '$^b' cannot
             # override existing signature

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