Largest Rectangle Histogram: The Raku Challenge Week 75, task 2

Hello, here is my solution to the Task 2 of Week 75 of the Weekly Challenge solved in the Raku programming language.

You are given an array of positive numbers @A. Write a script to find the largest rectangle histogram created by the given array.

Hello, here is my solution to the Task 2 of Week 75 of the Weekly Challenge solved in the Raku programming language.

You are given an array of positive numbers @A. Write a script to find the largest rectangle histogram created by the given array.

Coins Sum: The Raku Challenge Week 75, task 1

Here is my solution to the Task 1 of the Week 75 of the Weekly Challenge solved in the Raku programming language.

You are given a set of coins @C, assuming you have infinite amount of each coin in the set. Write a script to find how many ways you make sum $S using the coins from the set @C.

Here is my solution to the Task 1 of the Week 75 of the Weekly Challenge solved in the Raku programming language.

You are given a set of coins @C, assuming you have infinite amount of each coin in the set. Write a script to find how many ways you make sum $S using the coins from the set @C.

The Pearls of Raku, Issue 9: toss a coin; topic vs temporary variables

In this issue of the series, we are talking about two topics. The first is how to toss a coin using Raku. The second is how to avoid duplicated computations by setting the topic.

In this issue of the series, we are talking about two topics. The first is how to toss a coin using Raku. The second is how to avoid duplicated computations by setting the topic.

The Pearls of Raku, Issue 8: the secrets of min (and max)

In this issue, we’ll be focusing on the built-in min function. Occasionally also on max, but the whole story is well applicable to both of them. Some of the elements can also be used with other functions.

In this issue, we’ll be focusing on the built-in min function. Occasionally also on max, but the whole story is well applicable to both of them. Some of the elements can also be used with other functions.

The Pearls of Raku, Issue 7: Triangular reduction metaoperator

Welcome to the next issue of the series about the cool practical stuff in the Raku programming language. Today, we will discuss the usage of the so-called triangular reduction metaoperator on the following examples: [\*] and [\,].

Welcome to the next issue of the series about the cool practical stuff in the Raku programming language. Today, we will discuss the usage of the so-called triangular reduction metaoperator on the following examples: [\*] and [\,].

The weekly challenge nr 74

The Perl Weekly Challenge was renamed to The Weekly Challenge recently, so there’s a bigger chance that more solutions in other programming languages appear there.

In the two Raku solutions in this post, you can see how you can use the built-in Bag data type.
Task 1. Majority Element (Raku and C++ solutions). Task 2. First Non-Repeating Character (Raku solution).

The Perl Weekly Challenge was renamed to The Weekly Challenge recently, so there’s a bigger chance that more solutions in other programming languages appear there.

In the two Raku solutions in this post, you can see how you can use the built-in Bag data type.
Task 1. Majority Element (Raku and C++ solutions). Task 2. First Non-Repeating Character (Raku solution).

The Pearls of Raku, Issue 6: MAIN and BEGIN

Another set of tiny but useful practical things that can help your coding practice in the Raku programming language. In this issue, we are talking about the MAIN function and the BEGIN phaser.

Another set of tiny but useful practical things that can help your coding practice in the Raku programming language. In this issue, we are talking about the MAIN function and the BEGIN phaser.

The Pearls of Raku, Issue 5: the where clause

In this issue, I will be looking at the three use cases with the where clause. All the examples refer to the MAIN function, but the content is applicable to any other function.

In this issue, I will be looking at the three use cases with the where clause. All the examples refer to the MAIN function, but the content is applicable to any other function.

The Pearls of Raku, Issue 4: unit sub MAIN and command line, round and precision

Welcome to the next issues if The Pearls of Raku! Today, some interesting findings that I discovered while reviewing the previous weeks of The Perl Weekly Challenge and today when I added a new graph to The Coronavirus Observer.

Welcome to the next issues if The Pearls of Raku! Today, some interesting findings that I discovered while reviewing the previous weeks of The Perl Weekly Challenge and today when I added a new graph to The Coronavirus Observer.

🎥 Raku challenge review week 70

In this article, my review of the Raku solutions to the Weekly Challenge 70. The tasks are: 1) Character swapping, and 2) Generating Gray code. As a regular part of the review, there are two video covering all solutions that were sent by the participants.

In this article, my review of the Raku solutions to the Weekly Challenge 70. The tasks are: 1) Character swapping, and 2) Generating Gray code. As a regular part of the review, there are two video covering all solutions that were sent by the participants.

🎥 Raku challenge review week 67

My review of the solutions in the Raku programming language of the tasks from Week 67 of the Weekly Challenge. The task 1 is to generate numeric combinations. The task 2 is to work with the letters on a phone keypad.

My review of the solutions in the Raku programming language of the tasks from Week 67 of the Weekly Challenge. The task 1 is to generate numeric combinations. The task 2 is to work with the letters on a phone keypad.

The Pearls of Raku, Issue 3: tr, TR, and StrDistance

How do tr, TR string replacements work in Raku. What is a StrDistance type? What happens when you print such objects with ‘put’ and ‘say’?

How do tr, TR string replacements work in Raku. What is a StrDistance type? What happens when you print such objects with ‘put’ and ‘say’?

🎥 The Pearls of Raku, Issue 2

The Pearls of Raku for your pleasure! The “with” statement, and setting a topic when working with regexes. Also a video with a full review of the Raku solutions 069-2.

The Pearls of Raku for your pleasure! The “with” statement, and setting a topic when working with regexes. Also a video with a full review of the Raku solutions 069-2.