In February 2015, Larry Wall gave a keynote talk at the annual FOSDEM conference in Brussels. The talk was called Get Ready to Party! and was actually an official announcement of Perl 6 becoming production ready by Christmas 2015.
That was a talk of historical importance. And that was a talk, whose recording was corrupted or lost or something, but it was never published at the conference site later.
I was there at the audience and had a voice recorder with me. After five and a half years, I found the file and uploaded it on YouTube. That recording was done from a seat somewhere back in the audience, it is very noisy and has strong echo, but nevertheless, this is the only survived full live recording.
Larry Wall is the creator of both Perl and Raku programming languages. The Perl 6 project was first announced in 2000. In 2015 it was announced production-ready. In October 2019, Perl 6 was renamed to Raku. The main announcement moment, when the date is voiced, is at 39:53.
I hope you will enjoy this talk.