Raku challenges Week 2

Task 1. Remove leading zeros from positive numbers.

Task 2. Convert a number to the one represented as a base-35 number and back.

The solutions in the Raku programming language of the challenges offered on Week 2 of the Perl Weekly Challenges.

Table of Contents

Task 1

Remove leading zeros from positive numbers.

So, we need to take a string such as 000042 and print it as 42. Even here, there are two obvious solutions:

my $n = '00000042';

say +$n;
say $n.Int;

A prefix form of + converts the string to an integer. The same can be done by an explicit call of the Int method.

The program prints the expected number:

$ raku ch-1.raku

Task 2

Convert a number to the one represented as a base-35 number and back.

In Raku, there is a pair of routines, base and parse-base. They are ideal tools for solving the task.

To convert the number, use base:

my $n = 2020;
my $n35 = $n.base(35);

say $n35;

This prints 1MP.

To convert it back to decimal system, use parse-base:

my $n10 = $n35.parse-base(35);
say $n10;

After this operation, the program prints the initial number 2020.

Look for the source files in the folder 002 of the GitHub repository.

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