Raku string vs integer practices

Hey there, there’s another task #066-1 offered by the Perl Weekly Challenge (why still not mentioning Raku in the name?).

Integer-divide the two given integers, $m and $n, without using multiplication, or division, or modulo.

Hey there, there’s another task #066-1 offered by the Perl Weekly Challenge (why still not mentioning Raku in the name?).

Integer-divide the two given integers, $m and $n, without using multiplication, or division, or modulo.

So, for 5 / 2 you get 2, -2 for -5 / 2, and 2 for -5 / -2. Actually, from the task definition, the floor of -5 / 2 would be -3, while the expected result is -2:

$ raku -e'say (-5/2).floor'

But let’s stick to the provided examples (which makes the solution simpler but not always correct :-). The goal is to demonstrate string-vs-integer transformations.


Obviously, division is subtraction repeated the required number of times, so one can subtract until the initial number vanishes and count the number of loops. So, here’s the straightforward solution:

my $m = 5;
my $n = 2;

my $r = 0;
while $m >= $n {
    $m -= $n;

say $r;

It works but does not look elegant enough. The implicit operations with the counter should be done somehow indirectly.


What if using the sequence operator? Provide it with a pattern, and it should deduce the sequence itself. As we expect that the division gives some reminder (as in the 5 / 2 example), you cannot rely on the sequence operator to stop by itself, so we need to explain what is the condition to continue rolling:

say ($m, $m - $n ... * < $n) - 1;

Here, the ... operator gets the two first elements of the sequence $m and $m - $n. Thus, it continues to subtract $n while the current number (*) is less than $n (which means while it is big enough to be subtracted).


What about the sign? As we are not allowed to use proper math operations, let us use the power (here, power means strength and not **) of Raku to easily convert between numbers and string representation of an object.

print '-' if +($m ~ $n ~~ m:g/'-'/) == 1;

Woohoo, what’s going on here? First, we concatenate the numbers as strings, so -5 and 2 are transformed to -52, -5 and -2 to -5-2, and 5 and 2 to 52. Ah, yes, 5 and -2 become 5-2. Half of these cases give negative result, the rest is positive. As we do not need to print a plus, we are only interested in the cases when the number of '-' characters is odd, and that odd number can only be 1.

Match the concatenated string against the regex m:g/'-'/, and you get either 「-」 or (「-」 「-」) or (). Print the minus sign when you have only one element after regex matching.

Of course, minuses should not be considered in our sequence, so the whole program looks like this:

my $m = 5;
my $n = -2;

print '-' if +($m ~ $n ~~ m:g/'-'/) == 1;
say ($m.abs, $m.abs - $n.abs ... * < $n.abs) - 1;

Or even remove the signs in one go:

print '-' if +($m ~ $n ~~ m:g/'-'/) == 1;
($m, $n)>>.=abs;
say ($m, $m - $n ... * < $n) - 1;


Not enough strings? Let us use them more intensively. Convert the numbers to the strings containing as many characters as the value of the number is.

$m = 'N' x $m;
$n = 'N' x $n;

Again, a global regex match counts the number of sequences of new $n that can be placed inside the new $m.

say +($m ~~ m:g/$n/);

The reader should be trained enough to compete the solution to allow both positive and negative inputs:

my $m = -9;
my $n = -2;

$m = 'N' x $m.abs;
$n = 'N' x $n.abs;

print '-' if +($m ~ $n ~~ m:g/'-'/) == 1;
say +($m ~~ m:g/$n/);

The source code is available on GitHub.

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