📘 Finding duplicate texts using Perl 6

📘 Finding duplicate texts using Raku

N. B. Perl 6 has been renamed to Raku. Click to read more.

Find duplicate fragments in the same text.

This task was dictated by the practical need when I realised that I used the same phrases in different parts of the text of this book. Some of them, like Hello, World!, are unavoidable, but it would be a great help to find the rest.

Here is the full solution, which scans the text from standard input and finds the sequences of Nwords which appear more than once in the text.

my $text = $*IN.slurp;
$text .= lc;
$text ~~ s:g/\W+/ /;
my $length = $text.chars;

my %phrases;
my $start = 0;
while $text ~~ m:c($start)/(<< [\w+] ** 5 %% \s >>) .+ $0/ {
    $start = $0.from + 1;

    print (100 * $start / $length).fmt('%i%% ');
    say $0;

say "\nDuplicated strings:";

for %phrases.keys.sort({%phrases{$^b} <=> %phrases{$^a}}) {
    say "$_ = " ~ %phrases{$_} + 1;

The program is relatively complicated, so let us examine it bit by bit.

First, the program reads the input using the $*IN.slurp call that returns the whole input text. It reads all the lines and creates a single string variable out of it. The .=lc method, called on the $text variable, makes the string lowercase and also assigns it back to the variable.

With a substitution s/\W+/ /, all non-alphanumeric sequences are replaced with a space. Thus, we eliminate all the punctuation, for example.

The last step of preparatory work is to save the length of the text in a variable so that we use it later in the program directly, instead of calling the charsmethod (see Task 3, String length).

Now, the main loop starts. Its goal is to take all the five-word sequences that occur at least twice in the text and place them in the %phrases hash. Each time another copy of the phrase is found, the value in the %phrases hash is incremented. At the end of the loop, the hash contains the number of occurrences for each such five-word sequence.

Look at the regex that finds the repetitions:

m:c($start)/(<< [\w+] ** 5 %% \s >>) .+ $0/

The main part of it, << [\w+] ** 5 %% \s >>, finds five words separated by a space. The << and >> anchors stick to word boundaries, [\w+ ** 5] is a sequence of five words, and the separator is mentioned in the %% clause: %% \s. The regex then needs a copy of the just matched phrase, and this is the job of the $0 variable inside the regex.

Finally, the :c adverb with a parameter—the $start value—makes the regex match against the string starting the $start position. This counter is incremented in the loop body based on the location of the first found phrase: $start = $0.from + 1.

The rest of the program prints the result as a table. It sorts the found phrases and displays the most frequent first.

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