Apart from the positional parameters (those that have to go in the same order both in the sub definition and in the sub call), Perl 6 allows named variables, somewhat similar to how you pass a hash to a Perl 5 subroutine. To declare a named parameter, a colon is used:
sub power(:$base, :$exponent) { return $base ** $exponent; }
Now, the name of the variable is the name of the parameter, and the order is not important anymore.
say power(:base(2), :exponent(3)); # 8 say power(:exponent(3), :base(2)); # 8
It is also possible to have different names for the named arguments and those variables, which will be used inside the sub. To give a different name, put it after a colon:
sub power(:val($base), :pow($exponent)) { return $base ** $exponent; }
Now the sub expects new names of the arguments.
say power(:val(5), :pow(2)); # 25 say power(:pow(2), :val(5)); # 25
Alternatively, you can use the fatarrow syntax to pass named parameters as it is done in the following example:
say power(val => 5, pow => 2); # 25
Is it possible to use sigilless named arguments? What is the sintax in that case?
To some extent, yes. Please explore the following documentation pages:
These can also be useful for the topic: