📘 Actions in Perl 6 grammars

📘 Actions in Raku grammars

N. B. Perl 6 has been renamed to Raku. Click to read more.

The grammars in Perl 6 allow actions in response to the rule or token matching. Actions are code blocks that are executed when the corresponding rule or token is found in the parsed text. Actions receive an object $/, where you can see the details of the match. For example, the value of $<identifier> will contain an object of the Match type with the information about the substring that actually was consumed by the grammar.

rule assignment {
    | <identifier> '=' <value>
          {say "$<identifier>=$<value>"}
    | <identifier> '=' <identifier>

If you update the grammar with the action above and run the programme against the same sample file, then you will see the substring x=42 in the output.

The Match objects are converted to strings when they are interpolated in double quotes as in the given example: “$<identifier>=$<value>”. To use the text value from outside the quoted string, you should make an explicit typecast:

rule assignment {
    | <identifier> '=' <value>
          {%var{~$<identifier>} = +$<value>}
    | <identifier> '=' <identifier>

So far, we’ve got an action for assigning a value to a variable and can process the first line of the file. The variable storage will contain the pair {x => 42}.

In the second alternative of the assignment rule, the <identifier> name is mentioned twice; that is why you can reference it as to an array element of $<identifier>.

rule assignment {
    | <identifier> '=' <value>
          %var{~$<identifier>} = +$<value>
    | <identifier> '=' <identifier>
          %var{~$<identifier>[0]} =

This addition to the code makes it possible to parse an assignment with two variables: y = x. The %var hash will contain both values: {x => 42, y => 42}.

Alternatively, capturing parentheses may be used. In this case, to access the captured substring, use special variables, such as $0:

rule assignment {
    | (<identifier>) '=' (<value>)
           %var{$0} = +$1
    | (<identifier>) '=' (<identifier>)
           %var{$0} = %var{$1}

Here, the unary ~ is no longer required when the variable is used as a hash key, but the unary + before $1 is still needed to convert the Match object to a number.

Similarly, create the actions for printing.

rule printout {
    | 'print' <value>
          say +$<value>
    | 'print' <identifier>
          say %var{$<identifier>}

Now, the grammar is able to do all the actions required by the language design, and it will print the requested values:


As soon as we used capturing parentheses in the rules, the parse tree will contain entries named as 0 and 1, together with the named strings, such as identifier. You can clearly see it when parsing the y = x string:

statement => 「y = x」
 assignment => 「y = x」
  0 => 「y」
   identifier => 「y」
  1 => 「x」
   identifier => 「x」

An updated parser looks like this:

my %var; 

grammar Lang {
    rule TOP {
        ^ <statements> $
    rule statements {
        <statement>+ %% ';'
    rule statement {
        | <assignment>
        | <printout>
    rule assignment {
        | (<identifier>) '=' (<value>)
              %var{$0} = +$1
        | (<identifier>) '=' (<identifier>)
              %var{$0} = %var{$1}
    rule printout {
        | 'print' <value>
              say +$<value>
        | 'print' <identifier>
              say %var{$<identifier>}
    token identifier {
    token value {


For convenience, it is possible to put the code of actions in a separate class. This helps a lot when the actions are more complex and contain more than one or two lines of code.

To create an external action, create a class, which will later be referenced via the :actions parameter upon the call of the parse or parsefile methods of the grammar. As with built-in actions, the actions in an external class receive the $/ object of the Match type.

First, we will train on a small isolated example and then return to our custom language parser.

grammar G {
    rule TOP {^ \d+ $}

class A {
    method TOP($/) {say ~$/}

G.parse("42", :actions(A));

Both the grammar G and the action class A have a method called TOP. The common name connects the action with the corresponding rule. When the grammar parses the provided test string and consumes the value of 42 by the ^ \d $ rule, the A::TOP action is triggered, and the $/ argument is passed to it, which is immediately printed.

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