Andrew Shitov
A Tour of Python 3
300+ ready-to-use examples guiding you from the very beginning.
Including Python 3.8
DeepText, 2020
Electronic editions
Amazon Kindle
Paperback editions, (and also on other local Amazon sites)

This book is an overview of the features of the Python programming language. In the 36 chapters, there are more than 300 small programs, where you will learn many details about all main aspects of programming in this language.
The book is primarily intended to be used with the modern compiler of the third version of the language and highlights the differences between Python 2 and Python 3 where that makes sense. A number of sections explain the new features appeared in Python 3.8.
In general, the difficulty of the examples increases to the end of the book, but you can read the chapters and the sections in any order.
The detailed Table of Contents and a sample chapter
- Chapter 1. Printing and Formatting
- Chapter 2. Python Code
- Chapter 3. Variables
- Chapter 4. Numbers
- Chapter 5. Strings
- Chapter 6. Operators
- Chapter 7. Functions
- Chapter 8. Built-in Functions
- Chapter 9. Types
- Chapter 10. Lists
- Chapter 11. Dictionaries
- Chapter 12. Sets
- Chapter 13. Ranges
- Chapter 14. Regular Expressions
- Chapter 15. Date and Time
- Chapter 16. Control Flow
- Chapter 17. Command Line
- Chapter 18. Modules
- Chapter 19. Files
- Chapter 20. Working with the System
- Chapter 21. Exceptions
- Chapter 22. List and Map Comprehensions
- Chapter 23. Operations with Lists
- Chapter 24. Multi-dimensional Lists
- Chapter 25. Iterators and Generators
- Chapter 26. Functional Programming
- Chapter 27. Concurrent programming
- Chapter 28. Object-Oriented Programming
- Chapter 29. Numerical Sequences
- Chapter 30. Algorithms
- Chapter 31. Maths Problems
- Chapter 32. String Problems
- Chapter 33. Interview Problems
- Chapter 34. Internet and Web
- Chapter 35. Graphics
- Chapter 36. Miscellaneous
The book is available as PDF and EPUB
Buy the book
Electronic editions
Amazon Kindle
Paperback editions, (and also on other local Amazon sites)