📘 Invocant call operator : in Perl 6

📘 Invocant call operator : in Raku

N. B. Perl 6 has been renamed to Raku. Click to read more.

: marks the left side of it as an invocant to call a method on, when a method of an object is used. It is easier to understand how it works in the following example.

class C {
    method meth($x) {
        say "meth($x)";

my $o = C.new;
meth($o: 42); # The meth method of the $o object is called,
              # it prints “meth(42)”

The form meth($o: 42) is equivalent to the classical form $o.meth(42). Note that you cannot omit a space following the colon (otherwise, it will be interpreted as a named argument).

Another common Perl 6 idiom for the use of : is to prevent having parentheses with method calls. The following two lines of code are equivalent:

say "abcd".substr: 1, 2; # bc
say "abcd".substr(1, 2); # bc

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