πŸ“˜ Numeric operators div and mod in Perl 6

πŸ“˜ Numeric operators div and mod in Raku

N. B. Perl 6 has been renamed to Raku. Click to read more.

div is the integer division operator. If the floating point is truncated, the result is rounded to the preceding lower integer.

say 10 div 3;Β  # 3
say -10 div 3; # -4

mod is another form of the modulo:

say 10 % 3;Β Β  # 1
say 10 mod 3; # 1

Unlike the / and % operators, the div and mod forms do not cast the operands to the numeric value. Compare the following two examples.

say 10 % "3"; # 1

With a mod operator, an error occurs:

say 10 mod "3";
Calling 'infix:<mod>' will never work with argument types (Int, Str) 
Expected any of: :(Real $a, Real $b) 

To satisfy the requirements, you may make the type conversion explicitly using either the + prefix operator:

say 10 mod +"3"; # 1

or calling the .Int method:

say 10 mod "3".Int; # 1

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